Source code for apssh.nodes

The :class:`SshNode` and :class:`LocalNode` classes are designed
as companions to the :class:`~apssh.sshjob.SshJob` class, that need
a ``node`` attribute to describe on which node to run commands.

import asyncio
import os
from subprocess import PIPE, DEVNULL
from pathlib import Path

from asyncssh import EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR

from .formatters import HostFormatter
from .sshproxy import SshProxy
from .keys import load_private_keys, load_agent_keys

[docs] class LocalNode: """ For convenience and consistency, this class can be used as the ``node`` attribute of a :class:`~apssh.sshjob.SshJob` object, so as to define a set of commands to run locally. Parameters: formatter: a formatter instance, default to an instance of ``HostFormatter``; verbose: if provided, passed to the formatter instance Examples: To create a job that runs 2 commands locally:: SshJob(node=LocalNode(), commands = [ Run("cat /etc/motd"), Run("sleep 10"), ]) .. note:: Not all command classes support running on a local node, essentially this is only available for usual ``Run`` commands as of this writing. """ def __init__(self, formatter=None, verbose=None): self.formatter = formatter or HostFormatter() if verbose is not None: self.formatter.verbose = verbose # could be improved self.hostname = "LOCALNODE" # some users reported issues with this so # given that it's really only for convenience # let's do this best effort try: self.username = os.getlogin() except Exception: # pylint: disable=w0703 self.username = "LOCALUSER" # pylint: disable=c0111 def lines(self, bytes_chunk, datatype): # encoding should probably not be hard-wired str_chunk = bytes_chunk.decode("utf-8") if str_chunk: if str_chunk[-1] == "\n": str_chunk = str_chunk[:-1] for line in str_chunk.split("\n"): self.formatter.line(line + "\n", datatype, self.hostname) # from this clue here #\ # -cloning-stdout-and-stderr-both-to-terminal-and-variables/\ # 25960956#25960956
[docs] async def read_and_display(self, stream, datatype): """ read (process stdout or stderr) stream line by line until EOF and dispatch lines in formatter - using self.lines(... datatype) """ while True: line = await stream.readline() if not line: return self.lines(line, datatype)
async def run(self, command, *, ignore_outputs=False, cwd=None): # pass cwd= to create_subprocess_shell when cwd is provided kwds = {} if cwd is not None: kwds['cwd'] = cwd try: if not ignore_outputs: process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, **kwds) # multiplex stdout and stderr on the terminal _, _ = await asyncio.gather( self.read_and_display(process.stdout, 0), self.read_and_display(process.stderr, EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR)) retcod = await process.wait() return retcod else: process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, **kwds) # nothing to read self.lines(f"IGNORING (ignore_outputs=True) with `{command}`".encode(), EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR) retcod = await process.wait() print(f"retcod={retcod}") return retcod except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=w0703 line = f"LocalNode: Could not run local command {command} - {exc}" self.formatter.line(line, EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, self.hostname) async def close(self): pass
# ========== SshNode == SshProxy # use apssh's sshproxy mostly as-is, except for keys handling # the thing is, this implementation relies on formatters # which probably needs more work. # in particular this works fine only with remote processes # whose output is text-based but well, # right now I'm in a rush and would want to see stuff running... # it's mostly a matter of exposing a more meaningful name in this context # might need a dedicated formatter at some point
[docs] class SshNode(SshProxy): """ An instance of `SshNode` typically is needed to create a :class:`apssh.sshjob.SshJob` instance, that defines a batch of commands or file transfers to run in sequence on that node. Examples: A typical usage to create a job that runs 2 commands remotely:: remote_node = SshNode('', username='tutu') SshJob(node=remote_node, commands = [ Run("cat /etc/motd"), Run("sleep 10"), ]) This class is a very close specialization of the :class:`~apssh.sshproxy.SshProxy` class. The only difference are in the handling of default values at build time. Parameters: hostname: remote node's hostname username: defaults to ``root`` if unspecified, note that :class:`~apssh.sshproxy.SshProxy`'s default is to use the local username instead keys: filenames for the private keys to use when authenticating; the default policy implemented in this class is to first use the keys currently loaded in the ssh agent. If none can be found this way, `SshNode` will attempt to import the default ssh keys located in ``~/.ssh/id_rsa`` and ``~/.ssh/id_dsa``. kwds: passed along to the :class:`~apssh.sshproxy.SshProxy` class. """ def __init__(self, hostname, *, username=None, keys=None, **kwds): if username is None: username = "root" if not keys: keys = load_agent_keys() if not keys: keys = load_private_keys() SshProxy.__init__(self, hostname, username=username, keys=keys, **kwds)
[docs] def distance(self): """ Returns: int: number of hops from the local node. An instance without a `gateway` has a distance of 1. Otherwise, it is deemed one hop further than its gateway. """ if not self.gateway: # pylint: disable=r1705 return 1 else: return 1 + self.gateway.distance()